Tina Gunhold
Controlling, Reporting & Internships

I studied Biology and specialized in Cognitive Biology at the University of Vienna. Friederike was my Master thesis’ supervisor and due to our work together, I had the amazing opportunity to not only follow the development of the WSC, but also be part of the hand-raising of the first four wolf puppies in Grünau. A truly unforgettable experience!
Apart from my scientific work, I worked three years as project manager at the Department of Neurobiology and Cognition Research, and seven years as lab manager of the marmoset facility at the Department of Cognitive Biology. Furthermore, I completed a distance study in Animal Psychology, and a dog trainer education by Turid Rugaas and Anne Lil Kvam.
Due to the same working environment, I didn’t lose contact to Kurt, Friederike & Zsofi, also not during my doctoral thesis (“Social Learning and Traditions in Common Marmosets”) and my 10-months-stay in Brazil. Therefore, for instance I was lucky to join when the wolves were moved from Grünau to Ernstbrunn, or when the new wolf puppies arrived. I knew, it was just a matter of time, when ‘we’ would meet again. But honestly, I didn’t expect that this would be due to a job at the WSC.
After my doctoral defence in May 2014, I was looking for a job preferably in scientific management. Friederike knew about it and so it came, that I took over the position of the General Manager. As the manager of the WSC, I was the link between the heads, the management team, the trainer team, the scientific staff & students, as well as the Wildpark Ernstbrunn and all public authorities. Furthermore, I was responsible for all administrative and operative tasks, including financing, personnel coordination and assisting the touristic manager.
Since the birth of my sons in January 2016 and July 2020 respectively, I support the management team as “Operations Assistant”. The Wolf Science Center was getting dear to my heart very fast, and I’m glad and thankful to be still a part of the WSC-family.