Claudia Wittmann

Merchandising & Press


My Name is Claudia Wittmann. I have been living in two different locations for a very long time - a big city but also on the countryside. Last year I decided to leave the city for good and move to the countryside. To be more specific, to the "Leiser Berge" where also the Wolf Science Center is located.
I have been visiting the Wildpark Ernstbrunn since my earliest days of childhood and I was able to observe many changes happening there and of course also the introduction of the wolves.
After spending 15 years in the telecommunication industry and after my daughter was born, I was looking for a change. When I saw the job advertisement from the WSC, I knew that this job would be perfect for me. To work in the middle of nature surrounded by animals is just great. In doing so, I have to confess that I have great respect for dogs, since I got bitten twice by dogs when I was a child. At the WSC I also get the opportunity to overcome my fear, because in the office we often have four-legged visitors coming by and asking for a treat.